
2021-08-30 万葡酒业

许多人认为卡尔瓦多斯已经过时了,重庆红酒批发中心重庆卖红酒的地方波特葡萄酒及波本威士忌的甜味 为了证明这一观点并不正确,我们尽量找来了中国市场上现有的全部卡尔瓦多斯品牌这七瓶单品涵盖了各个种类,从精纯到XO,其中一瓶可谓个性十足,既有波特葡萄酒及波本威士忌的甜味,又有苹果西打的酸味及其他风味调酒潜力无限。 Shaking off rumours of calvados as an outmoded sip, we rounded up all the calvados brands we could lay our hands on in China – seven bottles, across the categories, ranging from Fine to XO – and discovered a spirit with a personality expressing everything from port wine and bourbon sweetness to tart apple cider. A very mixable spirit with untapped potential. 非常感谢参加了本期品酒会的各位调酒师,也要感谢布列塔尼餐厅La Creperie的Jacques Commault为我们提供了场地(上海徐汇区桃江路1号 | 0215465 9055)并且向我们展示了如何用卡尔瓦多斯制作特色火焰可丽饼。 A big thanks to the bartenders who joined and to Jacques Commault for hosting us at his Bretagne restaurant La Creperie (1 Taojiang Lu, Xuhui, Shanghai | 021 5465 9055) – and for demonstrating calvados in cooking with the house crepe flambe.


The bottles | 参评酒一览 1. Berneroy, AOC Calvados, VSOP | 贝纳罗VSOP,法定产区卡尔瓦多斯 我们品鉴的第一款卡尔瓦多斯是贝纳罗VSOP。它先将苹果天然发酵至少四周,直至酒精度达到5-6度。随后进行单次塔式蒸馏,以法国橡木旧桶陈酿至少四年,这样才有资格被称为VSOP。它呈琥珀色,散发着淡淡的果香,不过相较而言,木桶内酵母带来的较甜特质占据了上风,苹果香气则退居其次。品酒团都闻到了香草和橡木气息。沈鑫说有花香,葛效渊说有“葡萄干、少许太妃糖和酸苹果”气息,而Colin认为“苹果香气不像想象中那么浓”,更多的是干果气息,而非新鲜水果气息。口感略干:葛效渊品出“成熟苹果和单宁”,David品出了橡木和“烧过的香草”。Dan认为余味不够柔和,但苏念慈表示它的余味“顺滑”、“有木头味”。 酒精度:40度 供应商:远流贸易(021 6248 8498) 价格:200-299元 First up is a VSOP calvados from Berneroy, made with apples naturally fermented to dryness over a minimum of four weeks until reaching five to six per cent abv. It’s distilled once in a column still and then aged exclusively in used French oak barrels for a minimum of four years, qualifying it as VSOP. Amber in the glass, the nose showed subdued fruit, though apple took a backseat to sweeter notes induced by the years in the barrel. Vanilla and oak on the nose, agreed the panel. Sean found floral aromas; “raisins, hints of toffee and sour apple”, said Anthony; though “less apple than expected”, Colin thought, with more dried than fresh fruit. A slightly dry palate: “ripe apple and tannins”, found Anthony, “while David detected oak and “burnt vanilla”. A bit scratchy on the finish for Dan, but Blacky found it finished “smooth” and “woody”. Abv: 40 per cent Available fro

m: Yuanliu (021 6248 8498) Price: ¥200-299 2. Chateau du Breuil, AOC

Calvados Pays d’Auge, Fine | 重庆卖红酒的地方 布勒伊酒堡(精纯级),奥日法定产区卡尔瓦多斯 这款酒产自奥日地区,以天然发酵的西打为原料。蒸馏过程在初冬和来年6月30日之间进行,橡木桶陈酿至少两年。它呈香槟色,品酒团一致认为果香很明显。“香气强烈浓郁。”马兆群说。“西打和酸苹果香气。”Colin说。Dan闻到了太妃糖、奶油糖果和“阿月浑子”。David说是“槐花蜂蜜、薰衣草和较年轻的苹果”,葛效渊补充说有麝香般的“动物体味”。品味时,Dan说有香草和黑糖味,Colin说有蜂蜜、苹果、少许柠檬和木头味,和“少许烟熏般的风味”。沈鑫品出了花香味,以及辛辣和苦杏的余味。葛效渊表示,把它当做杰克玫瑰的基酒应该效果不错。 酒精度:40度 供应商:CWS(021 6231 3484) 价格:100-199元 Produced in the Pays d’Auge area, the spirit is distilled from cider made through natural fermentation. Distillation takes place between the beginning of winter and June 30 the following year. It is aged in oak for a minimum of two years. The colour featured champagne hues and fruit was prominent in the aroma, the panel agreed. “Strong and intense on the nose,” said Rain; “cider and acidic apples”, found Colin. Dan picked up toffee, butterscotch and “pistachio”. “Acacia honey”, “lavender” and “younger apple coming through”, said David, while Anthony added musky “animal body odour” to the description. On the palate, Dan found vanilla and dark sugar; honey, apple, some lemon and wood, “almost slightly smoky”, Colin thought. Floral, with a spicy finish and some apricot in the finish, for Sean. A good base for a Jack Rose perhaps, suggested Anthony. Abv: 40 per cent Available from: CWS (021 6231 3484) Price: ¥100-199

